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Parish & Community Update 10/23

In this message:

  • October 24: OLC’s Day-To-Pray
  • October 24: Blood Drive
  • October 25: NO 9:00 AM MASS
  • October 26-27: Knights of Columbus Membership Drive
  • November 3: Young Adult Book Study
  • November 6: Mass of Remembrance
  • November 14-17: Women’s Cursillo Weekend
  • November Mass Companions
  • March 8: KEPHA Men’s Conference at OLC


OLC’s Day-To-Pray at the Abortion Clinic

October 24 | 425 Cherry St SE, Grand Rapids

As part of 40 Days for Life, OLC’s day-to-pray at the abortion clinic is Thursday, 10/24 in Grand Rapids.




The faithful are invited to attend the funeral of:
Roger Mawby
Friday, October 25, 11:00 AM
Please keep the deceased and his loved ones in your prayers.


Knights of Columbus Membership Drive

Did you know the Knights are more than fish frys and pancake breakfasts? In the past year, the Knights right here at Our Lady of Consolation have done so much more. Just in the past year the Knights sponsored food drives and provided coats for children in need. The Knights held events like free throw and soccer contests for the youth of the parish. We helped parishioners with home repair and clean up projects. The Knights contributed to a program to help send Veterans to Lourdes on healing pilgrimages. We also sponsored Seminarians to help with their expenses as they attend Seminary to become Priests to serve our Diocese. And yes we cooked fish and a pancake or two. Most of all we had fun serving the Lord and our parish and community. If this sounds like something you may be interested in please contact Jim Gessner or visit us in the Narthex after Mass this weekend!




Women’s Cursillo Weekend

November 14, evening, thru November 17, evening. Holy Family Catholic Church – 425 S State St, Sparta, 49345. For more information contact Teresa Border


Mass Companions

November editions will be available this weekend! If you have already signed up, there is no further action needed. If you have not signed up, please do so below.


Mass Companions are physical booklets you pick up monthly that accompany you in and outside of Mass with scripture, reflections, and more. Click on each subscription to learn more!



Word Among Us

One Bread One Body


*These resources are FREE to OLC Parishioners. If you are not a parishioner, please complete your registration, or consider donating to the Our Lady of Consolation Education Foundation (OLCEF).



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