Openlight Media offers content for the entire family! We encourage you to browse their website to find something that interests you! Our favorites include:
Virtue Tree – Everyone is born with a capacity for virtue, but we need education and practice to attain the freedom, harmony, and balance of the virtuous, excellent human being. Learn more about the virtues with the interactive virtue tree.
Manners Monday – Short, 5-minute videos with Sr. Mercedes and Sr. Peter Thomas that highlight good manners and bring virtues to life! Warning: Content may be hilarious!
Arise – The Arise series integrates the best of neurobiology with the call to virtue and holiness, leading adolescents (and adults) to happiness, holiness and secure attachment.
Raised in Grace – Integrating neurobiology and Catholic teaching, this video series presents a roadmap to aid adults who nurture children. Raised in Grace sheds light on human development from womb to age 25, and offers an integrated, faith-filled approach to growth and the beauty of gradualness.
Cultivating the Virtues – This video course provides an age-appropriate instruction on the virtuous life. It includes intensive instruction on 28 virtues in the format of Learn (direct teaching on the virtue), Live (a story), Witness (saint highlight), and Pray (guided prayer with scripture).