- Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus
- Respect Life Ministry
- Women of Our Lady (SHE)
- Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study
- The Giving Tree
- Knights of Columbus (Advent Food Drive)
Next meeting: Wednesday, January 8 @ 7:00 PM
January marks the 5th anniversary of the Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary. During the last five years the Ladies Auxiliary has grown to 31 members. When the Ladies Auxiliary first began, their mission was to support the Knights of Columbus. Through the years the Ladies have come to create their own events and service projects and continuing to support the Knights. The Ladies have given Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts to those at Our Lady of Consolation, wrote valentines to those in local senior homes, written thank you notes to our veterans in the Vet’s home, and adopted families during the holidays. They have also held baby showers for the Layette Ministry and Alpha Family Center in Cedar Springs. They have also assisted in the Pumpkin Giveaways and Egg Hunts in Cedar Springs, as well as the Egg Hunts at our parish. One of the Ladies’ biggest endeavors is helping those in the Heartside Community. Through the years the Ladies have given meals, hot chocolate, water, blankets, and clothing to those living in the Heartside Community. The Ladies also distribute Blessing Bags yearly that they assemble, which are bags containing items such as socks, hand warmers, hand sanitizer, and snacks to individuals in need.
The Ladies Auxiliary is open to all Catholic females ages 18 and older. You do not have to have a Knight in the family to join. The meetings are open to anyone who is interested in seeing what the Ladies Auxiliary is all about.
Next meeting: Wednesday, January 15 @ 6:00 PM
Respect Life of Our Lady of Consolation stands up for all life from conception to natural birth. We support women in crisis throughout our community and the Grand Rapids area. We work with both GR Right to Life and North Kent Right to Life. Please reach out to Susan Palazzolo for more information!
Respect Life spreads out over several areas: North Kent Connect Layette Ministry, North Kent Right to Life, Grand Rapids Right to Life, Cedar Springs Family Center, and several other pregnancy centers that Respect Life supports. We also pray in front of Planned Parenthood throughout the year, most especially during 40 Days for Life campaigns.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 14 @ 9:00 AM & 7:00 PM
The Women of Our Lady’s program (She Shall Be Called Woman) will resume on Tuesday, January 14. Signup coming soon!
Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Next meeting: Friday, January 10 @ 10:00 AM
The Winter Session of Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will meet on Friday, January 10, at 10:00am in the Guadalupe Room. All ladies are invited to join us! We’ll be studying THE HOLY SPIRIT AND SPIRITUAL GIFTS by Stephen J. Binz, a Threshold Bible Study. Books will be available at our first meeting. “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” -Romans 5:5.
Come pray, study, serve, and grow in your relationship with Our Lord!
18 families were adopted, of which:
6 families were adopted by groups/ministries within OLC.
5 families were adopted by other families within OLC.
7 of these families on the giving tree are within OLC (3 more than last year); 11 are from the community.
24 seminarians received $175.00 each in gas cards.
The Consolata sisters in Belmont received $1700.00 in grocery cards.
The Carmelite Nuns received $1900.00 in grocery cards.
The Consolata nuns in Ethiopia received $5575.00. $ 1575.00 more than last year!
Haiti received $8350.00. $480.00 more than last year.
380 children from HELP and NKC received gifts.
This year there were fewer tags put on the Tree, but people were more generous in their giving.
Overall we were able to give more this year than last year! To God be the Glory!
In addition to the gifts and monetary donations, spiritual gifts were also given; Bibles, Mass Companions, information on baptisms, and most importantly- prayers.
Thank you to the wonderful OLC Community for your outpouring of love for this ministry. The Giving Tree brings so much joy to those in need. A special thank you to Pilar Rice and all the wonderful volunteers that make the Giving Tree happen every year!
Knights of Columbus
Advent Food Drive Results
Many people in need will benefit from the 4420 pounds of food and personal care items delivered to North Kent Connect from the Knights of Columbus Advent Food Drive at OLC. This was the largest donation from Our Lady of Consolation since NKC started food drives.
Way to go, OLC!
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