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Parish & Community Update 11/6

In this message:

  • November 8 – December 15: Giving Tree
  • November 14: Mass for Veterans
  • November 14-17: Women’s Cursillo Weekend
  • November 16: OLC Bazaar
  • November 18: Financial Planning
  • November 19: Stations of the Cross Blessing
  • November 21: Parenting Series
  • Prison & Jail Ministry Christmas Drive

Even though the election is over, let us continue praying for our country and its leaders. Please come spend time with Jesus in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the LORD—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.”

Thank you to all the ladies who signed up for Advent By Candlelight this weekend! With such an overwhelming response, we have decided to not have signups this weekend (11/9-10). Instead, you can sign up online! Look for an email tomorrow afternoon with more information 💜


The Giving Tree is in need of Christmas wrapping paper! Please drop off at the parish office. 



Cursillo Women’s Retreat

November 14, evening, thru November 17, evening. Holy Family Catholic Church – 425 S State St, Sparta, 49345. For more information contact Teresa Border







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