Fight like Heaven: Vote ‘NO’ Proposal 3

What is Proposal 3?

The Michigan Supreme Court ordered the placement of Proposal 3 (formerly known as “Reproductive Freedom for All”), an extreme pro-abortion amendment, onto the November ballot. Proposal 3 seeks the approval of the people of Michigan to permanently amend the State Constitution to include a “right to abortion,” but it goes well beyond that.

Proposal 3 could:

  • Allow abortion up until birth
  • Allow minors to pursue abortions and sterilization without parental notification or consent
  • Exempt abortion facilities from basic health and safety regulations
  • Allow anyone to perform an abortion, even if they don’t have a medical license.
  • Protect abortion providers from penalties for killing or injuring a woman during an abortion.
  • Repeal or drastically alter dozens of state laws

This amendment allows abortion for:

  • ANY ONE: any age…including minors
  • ANY TIME: up to the moment of birth…and beyond birth
  • ANY WHERE: in a medical facility…or any other location

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Door knocking:

If you have interest in participating in door knocking, whether you attended training or not, please reach out to Amy at Amy will prepare you with materials from the meeting that will help you along the door knocking journey.

Learn More and Educate Yourself

Read Proposal 3 On the Ballot Before you Vote

Proposal 3 language (this is what will appear on the November ballot)
Constitutional amendment language (full text of proposed amendment to the Michigan Constitution)

From the Michigan Catholic Conference:

Proposal 3 One-Page Messaging Overview
Q & A Regarding Proposal 3
How to Respond to Myths and False Claims about Proposal 3

What Proposal supporters won’t tell you
Video: What is Proposal 3? An Attorney and Policy Analyst explains.

Focus: Proposal 3

From Citizens to Support MI Women and Children:

What could the constitutional amendment do?

From the Diocese of Grand Rapids:

Fight Like Heaven to defeat proposal 3

Letter from Bishop Walkowiak