If OLC School closes due to inclement weather, all events at Our Lady of Consolation (including Kateri Lodge) are canceled. This includes faith formation, ministry/group gatherings, classes, and special events. Closings will be posted on WOOD-TV-8 and WZZM-TV-13.
Sacramental events (such as Mass, Reconciliation, and funeral services) will never be canceled. Please use discretion if you plan to travel to OLC in severe weather.
If severe weather is forecasted and school is not scheduled to be in session, OLC Parish will decide to cancel activities on a case-by-case basis. Those cancellations will be posted on the news sites, and through our online messaging system.
As we experience Michigan winter weather, we strive to keep the OLC community informed and safe. Please do your part and be cautious driving and walking through parking lots/sidewalks.
If you need to visit the office, please call in advance to confirm staff are present.
Parish Office
School Office
Faith Formation Office