Altar Linen Cleaning
Volunteers take care of linens used at the Masses. One initial training session is required.
Men of Our Lady – Band of Brothers
Thursdays, 6:00AM-7:30AM in the Holy Family Center Men of Our Lady – Band of Brothers The Men of Our Lady…
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration at Our Lady of Consolation is 24/7. There are occasions when we do repose the Blessed Sacrament because of…
Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study
The OLC Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study is open to all ladies of the parish and their friends. Our purpose…
Game Night
Group that meets on the 2nd Saturday of every month for Game Night. All are welcome!
Millions of Monicas
We are a group of mothers coming together to lift up our children of all ages. Many of us have…
Coffee & Donuts
This is hosted by Ministries at OLC. It is a time of fellowship is available after the 9 and 11…
Saint Rita Ministry
The Saint Rita Ministry serves OLC Parishioners who are homebound or reside in an assisted living facility. The ministry will…
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest during the sacred liturgy. Servers must have completed the 4th grade and complete a training…
Blood Drive
Coordinated by Versiti Blood Our Lady of Consolation hosts blood drives every 2 months at Kateri Lodge. Visit to…
Boy Scouts
BSA Troop 264 with the goal of training youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a…
Finance Council
The Finance Council members bring their expertise into the service of parish property and managing revenues to review finances, formulate…
Knit One, Pray Too!
Knit One, Pray Too! is for anyone who would like to come together as a group to knit, crochet or weave. Don’t…
Art & Environment
Interior designers, seamstresses, artists, architects and those who enjoy decorating, plan and prepare the worship space and surrounding areas of…
Building Maintenance
This team of volunteers works under the direction of the Business Manager to maintain the interior property. Individuals who enjoy…
“Circle of Caring” – Bereavement Ministry
This ministry supports those in our parish who have experienced the death of a loved one. The Church calls each…
Communion to the Homebound
This ministry provides visits to those parishioners that are either homebound or unable to attend Mass due to illness but…
Consolata Guild
The Consolata Guild was formed in 1965 to help and support the mission of evangelization of the Consolata Missionary Sisters….
Men’s Basketball
Men get together and play basketball
Music Ministry
Director: Mary HarkemaIf you are interested in any of our Music Ministries, we encourage you to fill out the Interest Form….
Our Lady of Consolation Education Foundation Board
Please click here to learn more about the OLC Education Foundation! Upcoming meetings: 7/27/23 10/26/23 1/25/24 4/25/24 5/30/24 7/25/24
Prayer Line (Special Intentions)
Submit your prayer requests by contacting the ministry leadership. Please contact us if you would like to pray for the…
Welcome Committee
This committee is responsible for making connections to new parishioners and provides opportunities and education to existing members. If interested…
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Assist with the distribution of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Volunteers must be at least 16 years…
Our Lady of Consolation School Board
The purpose of the School Board is to serve as a consultative body that assists the Principal and Pastor in…
Parish Library
The Parish Library provides materials that are consistent with the Catechism of the Catholic Church to help expand our knowledge…
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council #7761 is a fraternal benefit society, founded under the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. Assistance…
Pastoral Council
The Parish Council advises the pastor of the spiritual needs, concerns, gifts and resources of the parish and develops a…
Women of Our Lady
Tuesdays in the Kateri Lodge. Runs the school year (August through June. Check calendar and bulletin for most accurate dates)….
Grounds Maintenance
This team of volunteers works under the direction of the Facilities Manager to maintain the exterior property. Individuals who enjoy…
Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. Click here for the Powerpoint or here for the PDF version. Ministry scheduler is…
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus
Our mission and purpose is to serve God, our parish, and community in the following ways: To support the Knights,…
Haiti Connection
The OLC/Haiti Connection strives to be the hands and feet of Christ in Haiti, the poorest country in our hemisphere….
The Sacristan is responsible for the preparation for Masses and other Liturgies. Volunteers must be at least 16 years old….
Lazarus Ministry
The Lazarus Ministry provides families with an opportunity to gather with friends and family after a funeral Mass. This ministry…
Medical Equipment Closet
The medical equipment closet is intended for Our Lady parishioners who are in need of medical items such as walkers,…
Our Lady Giving Tree
Take a tag from the Giving Tree in the Church Commons and purchase a needed item for local and Grand…
Welcomes and greets people as they gather. Ushers are responsible for the specific needs of the faith community before, during,…
Nourish for Caregivers Support Group
All meetings begin at 6:30pm and last until 8pm in the Elizabeth Ann Seton Room. Upcoming meetings: 4/24/24 5/29/24 6/26/24…
OLC Take Them A Meal
We support parishioners and their families by providing meals during time of illness or crisis, after the birth of a baby, or…
Priest Dinners
Help to support the good works our priests do on a daily basis by providing them with a dinner. Often…
Parish Health Ministry
The nurses of Our Lady of Consolation Parish, believe we are to use our gifts of healing as a sign…
Respect Life
The Respect Life Ministry comes together to tackle the abuses of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia in our city, country, and…
Raise money by shopping with gift cards for everyday purchase like food, clothing and entertainment. Each scrip gift card purchase…
Safety Team
The OLC Safety Team exists to ensure a safe and secure environment for parishioners, guests, and staff to worship our…
St. Fiacre’s Garden Ministry
Things are blooming at OLC…In the fall of 2022, the Garden Ministry set up teams to help cleanup the flower…