
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council serves the parish by praying, studying, and listening to the pulse of the church and community. The Pastoral Council also participates by visioning, dreaming and planning for the long-range future of the parish and by advising the Pastor in various matters.

Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council consults with the Pastor and discerns how the parish can best meet the financial and material needs of the parish. The general operating fund for operational expenses, including wages, is funded largely from Sunday giving. The Facilities and Growth Fund is used for major improvements.

Our Lady of Consolation School Board
The purpose of the Board is to serve as a consultative body that assists the principal and Pastor of Our Lady of Consolation (OLC) in fulfilling the school’s mission as set forth in Article II.

OLCEF (Our Lady of Consolation Education Foundation) Board of Trustees
OLCEF Board of Trustees manages the business of the corporation. This includes financial oversight, marketing and fundraising. We believe that it is vital to our church to provide religious education to everyone who desired it. The Our Lady of Consolation Education Foundation (OLCEF) makes this possible. The Foundation seeks to provide half of the funding for all parish educational endeavors, including Faith Formation programs, RCIA, and Our Lady of Consolation School. It is designed to be supported by ALL who see the value of providing quality Catholic education for children and adults at Our Lady of Consolation.

Finance Council

The Finance Council members bring their expertise into the service of parish property and managing revenues to review finances, formulate...

Our Lady of Consolation Education Foundation Board

Please click here to learn more about the OLC Education Foundation! Upcoming meetings: 7/27/23 10/26/23 1/25/24 4/25/24 5/30/24 7/25/24

Our Lady of Consolation School Board

Tim Warwick


The purpose of the School Board is to serve as a consultative body that assists the Principal and Pastor in...

Pastoral Council

Steve Dater


The Parish Council advises the pastor of the spiritual needs, concerns, gifts and resources of the parish and develops a...