Upcoming Events
17-19 MS Exams 1/2 Days MS only 11:45 Release
18 PS -1st Grade Christmas Program at 2:00 PM
18 Grades 2-5 and Band Christmas Program at 7:00 PM at West Catholic
6 Classes Resume/2025/2026 Registration Begins
13 PS/Y5/Kindergarten Open House 6:00 – 7:00 PM
16 Family Series 6:00 PM
17 End of 2nd QT
20 No School
23 Parents Association Meeting 7:00
24 Family Dance
27 Maker Monday
25-31 Catholic Schools Week
26 PA CSW Pancake Breakfast
Dear Parents,
Twas the last week before Christmas break and all through the school, not a student was focused, not a single one. The teachers were tired, all trying their best, just five more days the principal exclaimed. Get some rest, it’s going to be a busy week with exams, Christmas programs, the PA Christmas luncheon, and classroom parties. Yahoo!
Speaking of Christmas Programs, doors will open at 1:30 for the PS and K-1 Christmas Program on Wednesday, December 18 here at OLC. The program will be held in the gym. Please do not arrive any earlier.
The doors at West Catholic will open at 6:30 for the Band and 2 -5 Christmas Program. Please do not arrive any earlier.
A friendly reminder to parents who need to get out of the car in the car-line at drop off, to please use the parking lot and walk your child(ren) to the sidewalk. We also have a growing number of parents not using the carline (parish lot) for pick up. Please don’t park and walk up to get your child. We have the system so that all kids and cars can get in and out of the parking lot safely.