Welcome to The Pride!
The Pride invites all past OLC students, staff, parents, and volunteers – anyone who has walked the halls of Our Lady of Consolation School. The Pride is an organization geared towards strengthening the relationship between the past, present, and future Our Lady of Consolation School community. It was created out of a strong desire of former students, parents, and staff to stay connected with OLC School and to provide ongoing support.
We hope you will join The Pride and support the efforts of OLC School. We need our exceptionally talented, diverse alumni, staff, families, and volunteers to help us move OLC School forward. To register for The Pride, please go to the following link below: The Pride Sign Up. Please know that we will not share your contact information with organizations/individuals outside of Our Lady of Consolation nor to other members of The Pride.
As a member of The Pride, you will receive updates on the current happenings of OLC School, invites to various events, as well as opportunities to reconnect with other members of The Pride. We will also let you know of the various opportunities to give of your time, talent, treasure and/or prayers.
Please check out the links below regarding how you can support OLC school and stay connected with other members of The Pride. If you have any questions or would like to update your contact information, please feel free to contact us by email here.
Let’s stay connected!
Kevin Varner,
OLC Principal
Tom Teklinski and Julie Birkeland
The Pride Co-Chairs